Irradiation is the process of treating food and others consumers products with gama rays, x rays, or high voltage electrons to kill potential harmful bacteria and parasites, delay sprouting and increase shelf life.
- McVitamins

The PRO's and CON's of irradiation
- Doesn't spoil, lasts last longer.
- You have to buy it, it's labeled
- FDA approved
- Gets diseases out of foods, destroys harmful material
- When life was made, it was made to die- not to be made last longer
- what would happen if we were irradiated?
- destroys nutrients in food
- controlled by conveyer- everything can go wrong
- not tested, don't know if toxic or not
- might have harmful long= term effects
When we had out debate over the pros and cons of irradiation, our group decided on the following to be our overall decision.
Dear Barak Obama,
The students of 7B from the International School of Belgrade propose that the labeling on irradiated products should also have a detailed description of the effects of radiation and the potential harm that could come across from it. Also, education awareness of the subject should be spread throughout the world of the dangers and possible long term effects of irradiated foods. We believe that there should be a choice for the customer whether they would like to experience this new discovery of the irradiated food.
Hope you understand our wishes,
Good recount of the debate. I like how you included the pros and cons as well as the proposal to the president! :) So, would you eat irradiated food?